Disqus for ومضات إيمانية

الاثنين، 21 أكتوبر 2013

Working for Allah's sake

الخميس، 3 أكتوبر، 2013

Working for Allah's sake

Working for Allah's sake

They call working for Allah as Ikhlas (sincerity), if man does a deed for people; this is called duplicity and reputation, if he does it to please himself, it is a hidden desire called self-conceit, he is self conceited so he is infected by pride and arrogance.
If the deed is for Allah's sake, he will continue doing it whether people see him or not because he works for Allah. Our ancestors used to notice Allah's observation, to make sure that the deed is for Allah's sake. Among the wonders narrated in this respect:
When Muslims besieged towns in Persia, there used to be high walls around them. Once, they couldn't break into through doors or pierce through the walls, a man among Muslims disguised and veiled his face and said to others while the enemies were heedless: "lift me and throw me over that door," he got to the other side after he fought some enemies and killed them, he opened the door for Muslims to enter.
After the victory the leader called: "That who opened the door of the fortress, come to us to reward him." The man didn't come out. The call was repeated several times, but he didn't go. He added: "We'll send him to Omar to reward him." At night in the darkness the veiled man went to the leader and said to him: "I know the man who opened the door of the fortress, he makes a condition that you won't tell anyone about him even if he is Omar." The leader agreed, the man said: "I'm the man." The leader asked: "What's your name?" The man said: "If I had wanted a reward from you or from Omar, I wouldn't have done this, but I want the reward from Allah."
This is the sincerity Muslims used to have. Some are still like this, but we don't know them, because that is on top of water is the foam and if there is fish, they are the small fish but whales are at the bottom. Whoever works for Allah doesn't want to be known by people, but that who works for people wants to be mentioned by all people and want the papers to write about him.
Among the marvelous incidents that were narrated in this respect, that Imam Ali was in a battle, one of the enemies asked for a Muslim to duel with him, imam Ali went out to fight him. They continued fighting until their horses died, they stood and continued fighting by their swords until they were broken, after that they started freestyle wrestling, imam Ali carried the man, lifted him and threw him to the ground, he got out his penknife to kill the man, suddenly the man spitted in the face of imam Ali, then imam Ali stood and left the man. The man was astonished and said to Imam Ali: "Why did you leave me after you got me?" imam Ali said: "At first I fought you for Allah's sake, but after you spitted in my face I fear that I may kill you to revenge for my self, then I won't deserve reward from Allah." The man said: "Do you observe Allah in such critical situations?" Imam Ali said: "And in much more critical situations."
The prophet of Islam taught them to observe Allah and to seek sincerity in the most critical situations to deserve rewards and gifts from Allah.
Who do we accompany O brothers? We should accompany a brother who wants rewards from Allah, our sir the messenger of Allah said about such brother:
"Visit (brothers) for Allah's sake, whoever visits for Allah's sake is set off by seventy thousand angels."[1]
Our sir the messenger of Allah (May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) also said:
"Whoever visited a patient or visited a brother for Allah's sake, he is called by a caller saying to him: You are delighted, your walk is pleasant and you deserve a dwelling in paradise."[2]
As the deeds are for Allah's sake:
·         I should make all my visits for Allah's sake.
·         I should also make all my friendships for Allah's sake.
·         I should make all my sittings for Allah's sake.
·         I should make all the good deeds I do, for Allah's sake.

Our sir the messenger of Allah (May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) warned his companions from announcing something they did for Allah's sake even after a long time to make them assure their degree. Someone may do something now and don't tell anyone about it, but after years he says: I did so and so for so and so. Or they may differ with each other and he said: I did him so and so, the prophet (May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said about this:
"A man makes a deed secretly and Allah writes it as a secret deed, Satan keeps on him until he tells about it, then Allah changes it from a secret deed to an openly deed, if he talks about it a second time, then it will be removed from secret and open and written as hypocrisy."[3]
Then, what should I do? Allah says:
"And he lifts the righteous deeds (to Allah)." (Surat Fater, verse 10)
I.e. lifts it to Allah and doesn't leave it in front of his eyes, but forgets it. If he wants to remember things, he should remember sins, faults and misdeeds in order to repent from them before death. You should know and be sure that Allah saves the good deeds and grows them for you double and doubles, Allah says:
"But if there is any good (done), He doubles it, (only this? No, but there's another grant) and gives from Him a great reward." (Surat An'nesa'a, verse 40)
If we follow this method, good deeds will be spread and benefits will be more and more. No one would over respect and bow on meeting me because of his own utility or profit, and after he gets his utility, he turns away from me to the other side and didn't even say As'salamu Alaykom, this is the school of utility in the western countries.
But we are not like this, Allah says about us:
"Is there any reward for good other than good?" (Surat Ar'rahman, verse 60)
We basically work for Allah; it is true that Islam ordered us to thank someone who does us a favor because the prophet (May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said about this:
"Whoever does a favor for you; you should reward him, if you don't find what you reward him by, then supplicate for him until you think you rewarded him."[4]
Allah says in the divine Hadith:
"O My slave, you don't thank me unless you thank that whom I granted you by him."

It was narrated by Orwah that A'isha said: "The messenger of Allah (May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) frequently used to say: "What did your verses do?" I said: "What verses do you mean, they are so many?" He said: "In thanking." I said: "Yes by my parents, the poet said: "Respect the weak, don't ignore him because of his weakness, he may grow afterwards. He rewards or praises you, whoever praises what you did is as that who rewards you. If you want to be in touch with the generous, you won't find his ability weak." Then the prophet says: "Yes A'isha, when Allah gathers people at the Day of Judgment, He says to someone who was done a favor by another: "Did you reward him?" He says: "O my Lord, I knew that it was from You, so I thanked You." Allah says: "You didn't thank Me as you didn't thank that by whom I sent it (the favor) to you."[5]
This is among Allah's grants to us, He ordered us to admit and confess for those who did us favors and benefits because this is the nature of a Muslim to admit favor and confess kindness.
·         The first favor and kindness a Muslim should admit is the favor he got from Allah.
·         The favor and kindness he got from the prophet.
·         The favor and kindness he got from the Koran.
·         The favor and kindness he got from his parents.
·         The favor and kindness he got from relatives, family, friends and neighbors.
·         The favor and kindness he got from the country because the country also has a favor upon us, it is said:
"Loving the country is from faith."
It is the nature of a Muslim not to be thankless, however when he does a favor, he seeks Allah's satisfaction. This is the high aim and noble request ordered by Allah and upon which our sir the messenger of Allah educated his companions.
We should spread some of these morals O brothers, first among our young, because they do need them. We should change our conditions to the conditions of our prophet and his noble companions, if we change our conditions, Allah will change our lives to the best.
We beg Allah to grant us sincerity in our hearts, truthfulness in our words and observing Allah in our behaviors and conditions, to make our organs and bodies obedient to Him, all our times used in remembering Him, thanking Him and worshipping Him and to guide us all over our lives to the deeds that lead to His satisfactions.

[1] By Ibn Abbas, Alfat'h Al-Kabeer.
[2] Narrated by imam At'termethey in his Sonan by Abi-Horayra.
[3] Ad'daylamy by Abi-Horayrah.
[4] Mosnad imam Ahmed by Ibn Omar, it starts: (Whoever seeks the protection of Allah, help him, whoever begs you, give him, whoever calls you, answer him,……then this Hadith.)

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